SACS Bookings - powered by connect2

Open hours

The Hatch (Film, Media, Digital Cultures & Music Loans)

  • Monday to Friday
  • 2pm - 4pm

Fine Art DM Store:  

  • Mon, Tues & Fri: 11am - 1pm
  • Wed & Thurs: 12am - 1pm

Fine Art Key Pick up / Returns (Casting Shop)

  • Mon - Fri 09:00 - 09:30
  • Mon - Fri 16:30 - 17:00

Contact us

The Hatch (Film, Media and Digital Cultures)


Fine Art

Useful links

All Students and Staff

How to use our Booking System (Video) 


Film and Journalism Students

Video Tutorials and Guides - Culture Lab YouTube


Music Students

Music Studios Website - Resources, Support & Tutorials

Music Department - YouTube Channel


The Culture Lab & Music Loans Have Moved!

The Hatch has moved from Culture Lab to its new home at the Old Library Building - Room 2.19.

Please email if you have any questions, or need any support finding the new location.


Music Room Bookings Issues

Music students who cannot see the room booking page should contact 


Thank you for visiting the SACs booking system.  Please note we are unable to support staff or students outside of the HASS faculty.  In this case please contact the IT equipment resources team who may be able to help.


Rules from booking system:


By using this system:

* You agree to return items at the correct time.

* You agree to pay any late fees incurred and understand that you will be unable to loan anything else until you have done so. Loans will be declared lost 20 days after the due back date or, in the case of graduating students/postgraduates, at the end of the period of study.

* You agree to look after all items, keep them on your person and to keep them safe at all times. You are responsible for them.

* You agree not to swap or lend any equipment with/to another student or colleague under any circumstances.

* You agree that you will be responsible for replacement or cost of repair if any damage is caused to the loaned item(s). In the event of damage to equipment judged by the School to be through misuse or carelessness, you agree to cover the full price of any repairs/replacement up to £200. Above £200 you will be asked to cover the first £200 fully yourself, with the school/department covering half of the remaining cost up to £1000. Any additional cost over £1000 will be met by the school/department.

* You agree to attend the relevant induction to gain access to equipment as required.

* You agree to any Health & Safety requirements for using the item(s) and agree to prepare Risk Assessments if required. If in doubt please contact:



Fine Art - 


* Please note that a team of technicians monitor email inboxs and we aim to respond to messages within 48 hours. 

* EQUIPMENT LOANS - If your email is in regards to extensions on equipment loans, you must receive a response from our team to confirm that a booking has been extended before it is valid. This ensures equipment is returned on the date it is due and / or extended to comply with other reservations on the SACS booking system. 


The University is not liable for any damage to any persons or personal equipment whilst you are using these items.

If you return items late you will incur the following penalties:

Between 2-24hr late (Culture Lab users only)-  £2 fine per item (capped at £20 for first offence)

1 (or more) Day late -  £5 fine per item (capped at £30 for first offence)

2 (or more) Days late -  £10 fine per item (capped at £60 for first offence)

5 (or more) Days late  -  £15 fine per item 

10 (or more) Days late will accrue an additional £1 charge per day

Items that are overdue for 20 Days or more will be considered lost and borrowers will be invoiced for the full replacement costs.

If you have outstanding fines or items you will be unable to use the booking system until these are cleared.

If equipment is damaged or lost you agree to be responsible for replacement or repair costs.

If you wish to discuss these charges please contact your personal tutor (students) or technical manager (staff).


Locker Rules (Music students only)

Locker bookings run per semester until Friday before the last working week. This is to ensure that lockers are being used and that items are periodically removed. Bookings made during the summer will run until the final working day before semester 1 begins.

Please only book the size of locker you need.

You must book your locker using the booking system and may not use your own lock. Any non-university locks will be cut, the locker contents confiscated and a £10 fine applied to the associated account.

You will be given only one key for your locker. This key must be picked up and dropped off by the booking owner.

If a locker key is not returned on time or personal items have to be cleared from a locker or the lock has to be cut for any reason, the locker owner will be charged a fee of £10.

This will go towards paying for new locks and repairs.

Once a locker key has been returned, the locker will be unavailable for booking until at least the next loan session to allow time for locker inspection.